Thursday, October 18, 2007

Planning Precautions

Rewrites of Jottings: Planning Precautions


The cost of preparing for critical events that do not occur is generally very small in comparison to the cost of being unprepared for those that do. It is less costly to try to prevent a problem from happening than it is to react to it after it has happened. ─ Russell L. Ackoff
An essential technique to increase chances of success in an endeavor is planning. Big business has fine-tuned the art to something approaching science.
Even the ordinary person can benefit from knowledge of the planning process and the awareness that other people apply the technique to prevail over adversaries or victims. Like people engaged in business, criminals also plan their moves, even the seemingly opportunistic snatching of adornments from pedestrians. They study people’s behavior, preferably the easy victims ─ females, elderly, children. They select the ideal site of their operation to achieve a fast accomplishment and speedy escape.
You, the potential victim, must devise a plan to avoid being a victim of snatching robbery, rape, mugging, and other threats to your person. However, there are minor crises whose occurrence is more probable which you should anticipate to avoid coming to grief.

What would you do if …

… while walking on the sidewalk, a hanging cablewire is in your path.
… a motorbike encroaches on the sidewalk and threatens to run you down.
… you are in line in a queue and someone inserts ahead of you
… after waiting politely to be served at a shop counter, a new arrival is served first
… you are a non-smoker in an air-conditioned eating place and some customers suddenly light up.
… when riding a public jeepney, the driver drives at an excessive speed and reckless manner.
… a drunken person or an idiot harasses you
… a persistent beggar pesters you

Precautions to avoid rape

(Issued by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation)
v Lock up. Keep all entrances closed and do not let unidentified strangers in for any reason. Do not let callers know that you are alone.
v Stay alert. If you sense anything out of the ordinary when entering or leaving your own house, take immediate precautionary measures.
v Do not be isolated. If possible, always have a companion when going out of the house but if you need to be alone, stay in well-populated areas and avoid secluded spots.
v Familiarize. Get acquainted with the friends and companions of your children, especially if they are left alone with them at home.
v Choose where you stay. Rape can happen anywhere, but it is far more likely to occur at certain places and times. Stay off the “mean streets” in your area particularly at night.
v Chin up. Do not be the perfect victim type by looking vulnerable. Avoid skimpy clothing.
v Protect yourself. Try to learn some basic self-defense techniques or bring some chemical repellents (mace, tear gas).
Women who are alone, isolated from public view and appear vulnerable to the assailant are the three highest risk factors. Almost two thirds of all attempted and committed rapes were perpetrated not by strangers but by close acquaintances ─ a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker or a friend.
Amusing note: The female octopus has her vagina in her nose. If the male octopus approaches the female when she is not ready for mating, the female octopus will bite off his penis and swim away with it. Fortunately, the male still has seven left.
How To Behave If Taken Hostage
While the idea of being taken hostage may seem farfetched, it does happen in some big cities, especially in banks, stores and airplanes. To get through it safely:
Concentrate on following instructions exactly during the first 15-45 minutes. This is the critical period, when the terrorist is emotional and trigger-happy.
Keep quiet, and speak only when spoken to. Don't try to be friendly, phony, argumentative or hostile.
Don't make suggestions. Captors will suspect a trick.
Be wary of attempting escape. If it fails, it's likely to bring violence.
If you are released ahead of others, closely observe everything that goes on in order to help police.
Treat the hostage takers like royalty, but try not to be overly condescending.
Expect to be frisked or even treated roughly by police when released. Advise: Cooperate fully; police aren't sure who is who and don't take chances.
(Source: New York City Police Hostage Negotiating Team.)
1. Avoid predictability of movement. Vary time of departure and arrival 2--3 hours daily. Vary route; occasionally skip travel entirely.
2. Obtain emergency communications (Cellphone, mobile radio). Pre-arrange with police and law enforcement agencies.
3. Practice extreme alertness: for following vehicles; at stoppage points, esp. at home and office; at traffic intersections. Proximity detection at end points.
What you cannot enforce, do not command. ~ Sophocles
If all else fails, read the directions.
Don’t make up your mind until you have to.

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