10 years ago
Leadership devoutly to be desired ~ ~ A leader is best when people barely know he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worse when they despise him. But of a good leader who talks little when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: We did it ourselves. ~ Lao-Tzu ***** I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? ~ Benjamin Disraeli
My condolence to your family. Your father's post was the best there is to read. We will all miss him.
Omon Maravilla, Bacolod city
I will surely miss neonate, farewell my friend... my condolence to his family.
Dear Grace,
A fellow blogger has just informed me of this sad news. It is with deep shock that I learned of the passing away of your father with whom I've had the honour of corresponding by email and through various blogs.
I greatly appreciated his erudite writings and his comments on many topics topics, be they political, health and humour.
Those who have had the privilege of knowing him in cyberspace will miss him very much.
Please accept my most sincere condolonces.
Anna de Brux
Darn, Orly, how could you leave us without saying goodbye? I was shocked by AnnaDeBrux' news can't even type this. Mr. Skipper, you may be ending your voyage and hit port, but we will always remember you for the clarity of your views spoken in cryptic poetic English - a real romantic sailor's!
I know you are now with God, but please do visit us sometimes in the blogs. I know your unique style when I see it. Bye Orly. Bye neonate
-TonGuE tWisTeD/Tongue's Wrath/Ferrum
I'm sad to learn of your father's death.
She was a regular in my blog and we are more enlightened because of him.
What did he die of? How many are you in the family?
Grace, please check this out:
Thank you everyone for your kind words. My father often expressed his appreciation for your comments and opinions.
@Ellen - There are three of us - my mother, my brother and I. I'm now off to check your blog. Thanks for the link.
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